Takbam ebenezer

Takbam ebenezer

1 year ago


Black African pride !
Dressed in her attire like an angel
Covered around her with leaves
Dangling her waist bangles

Black African pride!
Your beauty is like a bright morning star
You jangles around with your surrounded beats
Shaking and sounding like a matching foot of a soldier

Black African pride !
Who knows your source of beauty ?
And who can claim your beauty ?
Your beauty is gold!
Your beauty is believed to be from the sky

Black African pride!
The summer of my heart
The running river in my mine
Your beauty is just like a strike of a thunder
Your beauty befalls my heart like thunderstorm

Black African pride !
Your beauty always moves the mountain
Your beauty always softened a harden heart❤
My pride !
The pride of the land

Black African pride!
Whom will I search for ?
Where will I go ?
When you are already close to my eyes
Why will I travel so far to?

Black African pride!
Why have you allowed your beautiful skin carried by an unknown light ?
Were are our ancient maidens , who lives with their dark beauty sk?

Black African pride
If our ancient mother's lived with the dark skin , why can't you of today live with ?
Your beauty always blind my eyes like a bright glance of sun
Your beauty shall live to see it's days

Black African pride
Our pride
Keep to our pride
Maintain our dignity
I'll keep echoing my sounds
Just like a trumpet
Bow ! Bow !
In to your ears .

1 year ago

Takbam ebenezer

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