Olamide Santos
1 year ago
Kayode and kenny were best of friends. Though from different sides of town, different social and finacial classes. Both were distinct gentlemen, had the same taste of music, and saw life from the same view.
The Universiy of Lagos was big enough with over three thousand intakes every quater.
Beign coursemates it would be easy not to notice anybody. But the hostel block they shared created the perfect meeting spot.
“Hey man” kenny peeped into kayode’s opened room door. The electricity was out so only the unoccupied rooms had closed doors.
“Yes!” kayode turned to face his unwanted guest showing his dislike for being interupted. First semester exams were approaching. He didnt need the distractions.
“Sorry to bother you but i had to see the guy who has been blasting lucky dube tracks.” Kenny saw the change of mood from his reluctant host as sign, he pushed on. “anybody that listens Lucky Dube is definelty deep.
Kayode just sat silently looked at kenny for a moment. And then spun around, back to his books.
“Sorry for disturbing you bro” kenny resigned disapointed.
“That guy is an introvert now! He has no friends. The guy na recluse!” the voices came few seconds from the next room.
“Must you raise your voice, cant you comport yourself.”
“Comport ko, comfort ni!”
“I swear, you are an uncouth and arrogant idiot.
“How did we ever become friends.”
“by default. You dated my sister in secondary school. Remember?”
“how can i? We broke up because you couldnt keep your mouth shut; classic example of a empty barrel”
“go to hell!”
“dude, if do, it will be to see off. You better learn some comportment ad eleqution and stop acting uncivilised and uncultured”
“Get out of my room.”
“like i dont have mine.”
Kenny realised the songs had stopped. He checked, the door was locked. As he made his way to his room his disapointment grew.