Folowosele monjola
1 year ago
#New dawn#
It's another Sunday
another day to retrace your pathway
and make the best out of it
start out with goals easy to meet
Don't underestimate the power of the almighty
Have faith in the almighty that he's Worthy
Read bible account of faithful men in the past
And how God's mercy and grace on them last
Don't fail to pour out your heart in prayer to God
Read his word,let it be your stronghold
life can be really hard, but he will give you strength to cope
just have faith, patience and hope
Avoid doing things that displease God
stay away from things that will put God's name in the mud
covetousness, stealing all this act should not be in you.
Act rightly and stay true
S- Seek the face of the almighty in all you do
U- unveil your worries unto him
N- never doubt the power of the almighty
D- Dare yourself to do great things
A- allow the spirit of love be part of you
Y- yearn to help people