Stephen  Ayodele

Stephen Ayodele

1 year ago

i'm drowning in the ocean of words
my mind, the boat is rowing inherently
poetry became my oxygen, it saved me
i'm not a talker, but poetry showed me a way
a way to express myself without fear
all my old notes i could not tear
even though i'm a work in progress
i learn to nurture and not to repress

now i feel loved where i felt lost
my mind glows when the light burst
my hand scribbles when the night comes
my room lit up as the candle burns
my eyes light up when it's full moon
my legs dances when it's new tune
all my body participated. we shall be done soon
i've never seen a man happy while he's drowning
poetry did it. for me.

1 year ago

Stephen  Ayodele John  Emmanuel

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