馃攣 Akinyemi Kehinde Akinwumi ReCircled: The Power of Imagination
Akinyemi Kehinde Akinwumi@kehindeakinwumiakinyemi574079
3 months ago
The Power Of Imagination
(Can Your Poetry Bestow Any Inspiration On Your Readers / Fellow Poets?)
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I've known their stories :
And the magic that dwells in their words,
Now the words lie captured in my ink.
Their stories create in me the thirst for knowledge.
Now, with tales in mind
I can participate in the wisdom of mankind,
Move from innocence
through rites of passage
into the knowledge of the world.
Enter the world through the magic in my words,
create awareness with every chain
That connects the weave of words ;
The litany I once used now echoes
in my ears to write more and more
And clutches the hands of my new guides
__ words that hold joy to our world.
Now, how do you see a million books?
I don't mean those in the shelves
In our universities' libraries,
Not just the intriguing titles
Beautifully arranged on each section:
Politics, literature, science, or religion.
But what exactly dwells in your mind
The recreation of imagination caused by the fiction or literature you've read.
But how can we see the worlds
That lie waiting in each book: a million worlds?
And the beauty that they are all related
How many stars are there in the sky at night?
How deep could the oceans be?
How many birds sing in the forest and make songs harmoniously?
How does the sun escape to the other side and left us in darkness?
How many dreams in a night of dream?
This is how I walk my way into the world of books.
Now comes the paradox,
A book at once quenches the thirst
Of Imagination and ignites new fires
And one could be satiated with reading,
The soul would no longer be able to hold
The characters that dwell in the book.
Now we suffer more in imagination
Than we do in reality.
I've been missing you in my imagination
And I always make wishes to be with you,
Be by your side and have a touch...
Lean on your shoulder, look deep
Into your eyes and dwell on your lips.
Feel your tender love and delicate affection. ..