馃攣 Mufasa Young ReCircled: Love Heist
Mufasa Young@youngmufasa989573
3 months ago
I love the way you bite your lip when our eyes lock
And the curves of your smile when I make a joke
You stole my heart the first time coz I let you, and the time is right now so let me in,
I'm a love pundit so deep in my feelings so let's do this
I speak fluent body language, I don't stammer
I know you have bodily desires and are looking for an emotional messiah,
look no further for it's the beginning of a love heist
Just sit back and let the poet do what he does best
Let's close this case and cut to the chase
Though hearts are meant to be broken, you're the one have chosen to do so, these other ladies interested but i leave them on missed calls, for you're the only one I miss
I'm not a one-woman man but for you love I'll change my ways, you brighten up my days, I'm a victim of that pretty face,
The way your body moves leaves this badman shook, and all it took was my courage backed up by your heaven-sent angelic looks
So let's do this, bella ci脿o to the dawn of a love heist.
#poetry#romance #romantic #Hellonircle #poetry #nirclefeeds #nirclecommunity #love #poemoftheday #intimacy #poeticjustice #trending #MUFASA