joy Anderson
1 year ago
The day I found out my heart could beat so fast at the sight of someone was the day I saw him for the first time standing at the doorway of the class.He had on a multi coloured dullshirt and wore grey jeans and I remembered thinking it fitted him just right . He's slightly full Afro gave his face a matured childish look,he had shaped eyebrows,his face a defined jaw and nose,God really did take his time to mold him and the cherry on the top was his bottom pink lips that I felt I could stare at and nibble on forever .
I was swept away after I saw him ,he was all I thought about for the rest of the two hour class even though I begged my mind to listen to the lecturer .I hated the fact that he roamed freely in the confines and little spaces in my mind ,I haven't let anyone roam so freely in my mind after Jacob but yet I couldn't control my thoughts from having their way .
I never really talked to him and even when I did he never really paid me much attention or even stare and let his eyes linger on me ,I didn't expect him too and then one day I tried ,I tried to step out of my little shell , become a supposed extrovert and chip in a word or two when he came over to talk to my friend .My lips quivering and my heart a beating mess as I said "the French class starts at three "to him .As important as the information was to him he slightly nodded and gave an answer ,he finally gave me a word "yes ,by three ",those three short words take repetitions in my mind and since that day I prayed to God and wished that he would tell me words even down to two words but since that day I never spoke to him again and I fear it'll all just be a glances stolen from each other to the end when we no longer know each other .