馃攣 Abdulhakeem Hafsah ReCircled: Edit Post
Abdulhakeem Hafsah

馃攣 Abdulhakeem Hafsah ReCircled: Edit Post

Abdulhakeem Hafsah

3 months ago


Seeing mango trees take me back
To blissful moments shared under its shade
Their sprawling branches, calm breeze on track
A serene retreat, where friends reside

As the moon fade,we head to the river's flow
With Tie and dye "adire" wrapper wrapped our small trunk
Dip clay Calabashes to scoop water's glow
Our feet felt cold like fish in the dam

Afternoons were for hunting in the bush
Traps set for game to rush
Rustling leaves,birds singing their songs
Friendship and adventure, hearts beating strong

Salah festivals cheer, horseback rides in the beach
Looking for shells, playing "tip the top" game
Buddy walking close like peas so tight
Sunlight shining, our bond grew strong

Nightfalls gathered us under mango tree's shade
Pounded yam and soup, hearts full and bright
Stars glittering grandfather's tale of the night
Laughter and memories beyond compare

Life's journey is more fun with friends so near
Childhood memories so dear like ripe mangoes sweet

ADIRE is a fabric made through tie and dye process and worn mostly by Yorubas in the western part of Nigeria.
SALAH festival is the festival by Muslims around the world to commemorate the end of fasting and the killing of ram to be shared with people.
TIP THE TOP is a game played by children using bottle caps and ball on a line drawn on the floor
Pounded yam and soup is a sweet delicacy eaten by People in the some part of Nigeria.

My poem "Beneath the mango tree", was inspired by the fond memories of childhood spent in the village during holidays and in school with my friends.
I recall the holidays spent in the village celebrating salah festival with my grandparents. I loved every moment ; the morning walk to the river, playing tip the top game under the mango tree, the delicious meal we shared, my grandfather's motivational stories shared under the mango tree to the horseback rides in the beach that left a lasting impact.
The fun-filled moment in the school playground, the infectious laughter and the warm hugs during goodbyes after school are nostalgic memories with Friends.
The mango tree symbolizes happiness and camaraderie reminding me of vibrant childhood friendship.
Those carefree days are etched in my memory forever.

#Africanchildhoodmemories #childhoodinAfrica

3 months ago

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