Prisca (SVC) Chigozirim
1 year ago
A lecturer came into his class, handed a plain white paper to each of his students. At the center of the paper was a tiny, round but black dot looking directly at everyone.
"What did you observe in the paper you are holding?" The lecturer asked his students.
Obviously, all of them replied, "sir, there's a little black dot at the center of the paper."
The lecturer shook his head, picked up the paper and said, "you see, this is what happens to us every day. We failed to notice the larger white part of the paper, just like we always fail to recognize the good sides of life."
"We only notice the little, unimportant things that life has to offer. In conclusion, appreciate the good things you see and leave those little unimportant things because they don't matter. That's all for today," he said and walked out of the class.