Yunus Ya'u

Yunus Ya'u

1 year ago



The root that stand the tree is one,
Grown to build a nation that is wide,
The tree grown to spray it hands
Hands to it nation that will caboose,

The forebear of land fine the land
The impel you give is to build tree
Deep the root that it will build ours nation
And the land was fund the tree grown,

Now standing the spraying hand of tree
Some of seed have gone, some death
Some are still with you, some are leaving
Some are still with you staying for the day
The day that they will vanish from you

Oh you tree you have build enough
You build the those that build the nation,
To what makes those in you obscure?
The heavy carrus that's on the fare

The voyage of life it come an end one day!
One day Felicity of life will become true!
One day that heart will be freedom!
Laughter hope joy will be certain in life.

Y D Ya'u

1 year ago

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