Prisca (SVC) Chigozirim
1 year ago
When I arrived, I found her playing, alone, in the gardens. Mummy must be inside reading her piles of magazines; that's her favorite thing.
I decided to approach her. "Hey little girl, what are you doing?" I asked
"Can't you see for yourself? I am playing games" she answered.
"Oh really, playing? Wow. Can I have some moments of your time? I want to show you something?"
"Who are you? My mummy said I shouldn't follow strangers. I am not going anywhere with you" she refused.
"But I am not a stranger. You know me well and so does mummy" I said, smiling, trying every possible best to be friendly to her.
"I don't know you. Please leave, else I will shout and my brothers will come and chase you away" she was saying
I made her know that her brothers, our brothers, have left for the field so they won't be coming.
"But, why do you look like me?" she asked, trying to quench her curiosity.
I said to her "that's the reason I said you should follow me. I am the FUTURE YOU and I was sent on a mission to deliver a message to you"
"Future me, so I am the younger you; your past? Does that exist? I used to watch a movie where it happens."
"Everything is existence and existence is everything. Some years later now, you will come to be me" I replied to the little girl.
"I want to tell you what you need to do for you to become the best part of you."
Taking her by the arms, we went down the streets and I showed her the elements of knowledge she needs to acquire so it won't be difficult for her when she must have come of age.
She cried when I told her that mummy won't be there again when she is going to celebrate her fifteenth birthday. 😭
Crying, she wanted to know why.
"It's the maker's wish, nothing can be done about it. The only thing that you can do is to prepare yourself for the other years without mummy. "It's going to be tough," I said to her.
"What about dad and my siblings?"
"They will be there but it doesn't change that you will have to do the needful. Moreover, they will need your help. So, I will advise you to learn these things which I am going to say now.
NO ONE WILL HELP YOU! You will do it by yourself"
"These are things you need to know:
📌. Learn how to read:
Reading will help enhance and expand your knowledge. With reading, you can travel around the world, even without any physical transportation.
You will need to learn that from your mother before she leaves. She is a good reader. Let that be the skill you acquire from her.
📌. Learn a skill:
Master your hobbies and you will know which skill befits you. Learn a skill even when you have education or not. Exercise your skills in your education and do the same in your skills.
Don't say that you are too young to do that. Start now so that you will make it young.
📌. Expertise in your abilities:
You don't need to be 100% perfect but try to be good in whatever you do. Show your best. Be excellent.
📌. Acquire a learning mindset:
There's no special way to do this but having a sense of learning. Learn everyday, try to learn new things. Learning will refine your knowledge.
📌. Be independent:
Don't always depend on anyone. Try to make something out of yourself. Live a life of self accomplishment.
📌. Teach others:
What you know, you must show. Show others, teach them. Teaching others doesn't only make you a teacher but a revolver. Change people's perspectives, change their lives.
Try to do these things everyday of your life, starting today and you will not fear the future.
After delivering my message to her, I hugged her, took her home and left immediately.
Dear reader, you have seen what I told my younger self if I have had the opportunity to meet her
Learn from my message.
What would you have told your younger self if you were to meet her/him today?

1 year ago

1 year ago