Oluwapelumi Bolarinwa
1 year ago
The very day I started living was the day I realized no one is responsible for my life, the consequences of my actions or anything that happens to me.
I realized nothing,my relatives,siblings, not even my parent were to be blamed nor criticized about the circumstances and outcome of my life.
And that the only person who is responsible for myself is MYSELF.
I knew I have to rise up and stop blaming anyone, if I really want to progress and do something meaningful with my life.
Then I picked up my life, killed the sense of entitlement and started taking responsibility for my life and everything that comes my way.
And here is the secret I discovered. Read on!
Many people became the shadow of themselves. They found themselves battling with negative emotions like,anger, guilt, trauma,low self-esteem,lack of confidence and so on.
But do you know that, those negative emotions are the biggest problem to your happiness? They overwhelmed your life and make you feel less of yourself by depriving you of your right and happiness.
And guess what?
Their only existence solemnly rely and feed on your ability of blaming someone, feeling jealous and envying others, as if you can't also be good on your own. Many people even went to the extence of feeling bitterness towards their parent for bringing them into the world.
The problem here is that, you really have to change the kind of mentality you carry and move on with your life.
Enough is enough! It is high time you gain your freedom and start taking responsibility.
Now, Lemme tell you this, if truly you want to be something in life, you need to stop blaming someone else for your predicament. You are the victim and you're also the solution.
The first step is to Discipline yourself and make up your mind.Start taking responsibility for your life to be free from negative emotions and stop blaming others.
Whether you like it or not the solution lies in your hands and trust me the more you discipline yourself to accept responsibility, the greater sense of control you have and the more control you have over your life determines your happiness and more positively you feel.
We would be stopping here today and In my next post, I would delve more on how you can go about taking responsibility for your life and what happens around you.
Anyways, I hope you got value. If this help you in one way or the other, don't forget to like and comment to encourage the writer.🥰
Sending Love ❤️
🎞️ A Writer With Vision.